Interfejs USB (od ang. Universal Serial Bus - uniwersalna magistrala szeregowa) został powstał jako zastąpienie starych portów szeregowych i równoległych. Został stworzony przez firmy Microsoft, Intel, Compaq, IBM i DEC. Aktualnie na rynku dostępne jest wiele różniących się od siebie rodzajów USB. Jedną z najnowszych wersji USB jest USB-C. Swoim wyglądem nie różni zbytnio się od wtyczki Thunderbolt 3.
The STEINBERG UR22C RD is a compact USB audio interface, perfect for musicians and producers. It offers two microphone inputs with D-PRE preamps, 32-bit sound quality and compatibility with PC, Mac and iOS. With built-in MIDI, an easy-to-use DSP mixer and a durable housing, it's an excellent choice for mobile recording and music production
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Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 4Gen - Audio Interface
The Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 4th Gen is the latest version of the most popular audio interface, designed for modern music creators. It offers pristine sound, remotely controlled preamps, Air mode, and automatic features like Auto Gain and Clip Safe. Perfect for recording vocals, instruments, podcasts, and music production, with USB-C connectivity and a comprehensive software bundle. Learn More -
Reloop FLUX - USB-C Interface
Reloop FLUX - USB-C Interface
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Steinberg UR 12 B - Audio Interface
Steinberg UR 12 B - Audio Interface
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ESI U86XT - interface audio
ESI U86XT - interface audio-The U86 XT is a versatile USB 2.0 Hi-Speed audio interface for Mac and PC computers that takes USB audio technology to a new level, providing improved performance and better results.
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ESI M8UEX - interface MIDI USB - interface
ESI M8UEX - interface MIDI USB-Our stylish and highly efficient M8U eX is a modern USB 3.0 MIDI interface with 16 MIDI ports in a single device. Learn More -
ESI planet 22c - interface audio Dante-interface
ESI planet 22c - interface audio Dante-interface-Dante Interface with Professional Sound Quality Learn More -
ESI Neva Uno USB Computer Soundcard - interface
ESI Neva Uno is a user-friendly audio interface designed for beginners who are just starting to explore the world of sound and want to have a budget-friendly yet powerful equipment that ensures high-quality audio signals. Learn More -
ESI Neva Duo USB Computer Soundcard - interface
ESI Neva Duo is an audio interface designed for users seeking high-quality equipment at an affordable price. Learn More