ATTENTION! - TAX FREE system failure - we cannot issue Tax Free documents until further notice
JAs a tourist having permanent place of residence outside of the area of European Union (EU), you are entitled to request for return of VAT tax, if you carry away the products purchased in Poland intact without any traces of use outside of the area of EU.
How to take advantage of Tax Free option?

Add the product(s) you are interested in to the basket on our web site. Then, when placing the order, tick the option “I want to enter data to TAX FREE” and enter all required details and mark which way you want to get the tax return (e.g. in cash in our shop or by transfer to indicated bank account). Make sure that all personal details are entered correctly. Pick up you order in our shop or at indicated delivery address (in case of choosing shipment by courier or to self-service parcel pick-up station). TaxFree document together with sales receipt will be places in green folder attached to ordered product(s).

When leaving the territory of EU, report to the Customs Office. Present the Tax Free document together with sales receipt and passport. Customs Officer shall confirm carrying away of goods placing relevant stamp. Lack of such stamp by Customs Officer on Tax Free form makes it impossible to get the money refund. Carriage of goods outside of EU has to take place the latest until the last day of the third month after the purchase date, e.g. buying an item on 14th of August, you can carry away that item until 30th of November the latest.

You can get the refund of your money in the way chosen by you – in cash in our shop or by transfer onto pointed out bank account. When applying for money return, you have to present stamped Tax Free form (you can deliver it in person or sent via post/courier to the address of our shop). Stamped Polish Tax Free form is valid for 10 months from the purchase month. Tax return can be received only within that period.
Minimum amount of total purchase value including VAT tax on single tax return form (Tax Refund Cheque) with attached receipt from fiscal cash register entitling for return of VAT tax is 200 PLN. This 3-step system is simple to use and easy to remember, all you have to do to get VAT tax refund is to follow the instruction: In Poland, principles for return of VAT tax are regulated by the Act on goods and services tax as well as Act on excise tax and implementing provisions to the Act – ordinance of Minister of Finances. Act dated on 11th of March 2004 on goods and services tax – Section XII, chapter 6, art. 126 - 130 (Journal of Laws Dz.U. No. 54 item 535 as amended).