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MAGIX Sequoia 16 - software

MAGIX Sequoia 16 - software

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Model : Sequoia 16
Artikelposition : SUP_MC3896
Hersteller : MAGIX
What's new in Sequoia 16

It's the details that let you work more efficiently. Sequoia 16 is all about perfecting workflows.
Your business should have the best tools in audio production – welcome to the new Sequoia.
High quality resampling: Get the best-sounding algorithm for your resampling tasks right now.
3D Reverb – make room for your sounds: Go beyond stereo reverb and experience realistic space in 3D Audio
ARA2 – even more, even better: Integrate Melodyne even faster and use multiple instances of ARA2
AAF export improved – transcending platforms: Ensure hassle-free exchange of Ambisonics data with other software
Automation Pre-Listening Mode and Automation Shapes: Try different rides before committing and select predefined curves for smooth transitions
Monitoring section – switch to surround and back: Create different playback routings and switch back and forth inside the box
Independent panning on different buses: Tab through different output choices right next to your pan knobs
Hold your cuts together with slip left: Cut out sections at the beginning while still recording and let your objects slip right next to the live take ready for export

Metering in Sequoia

The metering display in Sequoia enables you to work with absolute precision. Access a range of visual layouts and set up your own private "cockpit" with different metering indicators. The following presets are also available for radio and TV broadcast norms: Type I, DIN scale - Type I, Nordic scale Type IIA, BBC -Type IIB, EBU.

True peak metering

Due to the inaccuracies of a sample peak meter, it's not possible to avoid clipping or distortion in the analog output if the individual samples in the original aren't at full scale. So, a normal peak meter cannot represent "real" peak values. Inter-sample peaks identified by oversampling by a factor of 4 can now be displayed and allow you to see "real" peaks.

Loudness metering

This plug-in enables you to adjust loudness and dynamics in accordance with international broadcasting standards EBU R128 und ITU-R BS.1770 for TV and radio programs. In Sequoia, you can switch between EBU R128 and ITU-R BS.1771 loudness measuring on the fly.

Network dongles

Each CodeMeter dongle can make its network licenses usable on other workstations. To reduce the amount of administrative work when using multiple licenses in a company, Sequoia offers network dongles with any desired amount of network licenses which can be accessed by any desired number of workstations. This can make it a lot easier to upgrade firmware and software.

User administration

The local user administration allows the administrator to grant or deny users access to certain hard drives. Sequoia may also be set up so that users can change program options while they are working, but the software will open with the administrator settings the next time it is launched. All Sequoia system settings can be saved in a container file to make it easy to transfer settings from one computer to another. When you put Sequoia on a new system, you can decide which settings to transfer (e.g. general settings, display settings, window positions, project templates, etc.).

Network login

Container files can also be used for network login, where they are stored in a network path to serve as user or group profile images. This lets you centrally manage all user profiles on a server. Users can log in on any workstation in the network with their personal settings. It's also possible to start off with the default settings on every new network login or to automatically transfer settings changes to the network profile. All these features make it easy for administrators to set up and manage even a large number of workstations.

Spectral Cleaning

Especially useful for post-editing live recordings and interviews containing noises from moving chairs, cell phones and coughing: Audio disturbances can be easily selected for removal with the mouse. Elements that have gone missing from the original frequency spectrum are recalculated into the recording using interpolation or transitions from the surrounding usable signal.

Threshold range editing and logarithmic display

As part of the Spectral Cleaning you can limit interpolation to certain amplitudes in the spectrum. Specific notes can be removed from the spectrum without influencing background signals. Quieter or louder signal components outside the area will not be affected.
The logarithmic display allows you to change the spectrum view from linear to logarithmic. Switch to logarithmic display when working in low frequency ranges for improved display of the ranges and to enable precise changes in the material.

Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 7

The external audio editor visualizes the frequency spectrum in layers and enables a whole new workflow for restoration, sound design and mixing. Intuitive operation, high performance audio engine and audio editing in 3D make SpectraLayers Pro one of the world’s most revolutionary spectral editing platforms.

MP3/AAC preview plug-in

Preview projects that you plan to export as AAC or MP3 using the encoder settings. You can change the export settings directly in the dialog window. During the mastering process you have the option of taking the idiosyncrasies of the encoder into account and adjusting the quality relative to the requirements (e.g. "Mastered for iTunes").

CD/DVD mastering

CDs produced and burned with Sequoia are 100% Red Book-compatible and can be sent directly for pressing. CDs can be configured to include copy protection, UPC/EAN, ISRC, pre-emphasis, and CD text. Audio material with higher sample rates may be burned in stereo or Surround to audio DVDs.

DDP import/export

Sequoia supports professional file exchange between mastering studios and pressing plants. It's also possible to import DDP masters for editing or to compare them to the original project. Use the Sonoris DDP player to playback tracks and track transitions, see all PQ codes, ISRC, MCN and CD text data, and automatically check projects for RedBook compatibility.

Batch processing for watch folders

Batch export multiple files at once. Define and trigger different export tasks altogether. Significantly reduce production time - batch processing specified through Batch XML can now be done in watch folders. Any files dropped in will be converted immediately.

Project import and export

Sequoia offers integrated OMF/AAF support, making it possible to exchange projects between programs and platforms. AAF is the preferred exchange format due to its larger feature set and open documentation. Hassle-free exchange of Ambisonics data with different software is granted.

Video import and export

Sequoia supports most standard audio and video formats. Sequoia also make it possible to edit video material for dubbing and post-production. Multiple videos can be loaded into Sequoia natively. Make sure you use uncompressed (or minimally compressed) formats, since positioning and editing these is much faster.

3D Reverb

3D Reverb is a unique and powerful algorithmic reverb. It creates the sound of a wide variety of acoustic spaces from small rooms to large concert halls. It works equally well in stereo and 3D multichannel applications with up to 10 audio channels natively. The input signals are passed into the virtual room according to their 3D panning, which directly supports the spatial impression of surround sound mixes.

3D Surround Panner

The clear view dialog allows for intuitive control when positioning highs in virtual sound sources. The positioning of the spatial axis can be automatized in both track and object. New VBAP positioning mode ("Vector Base Amplitude Panning") enables users to create Surround setup phantom sources with high sound localization acuity. VBAP can be used independently of the number of virtual speakers and in either 2D or 3D setup.

Surround tracks

Sequoia supports the use of any number of Surround masters in a single project, and up to 32 channels per track. No matter the channel count you can always create a stereo downmix as well. Level components for Surround channels can also be freely determined.

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Versendung von Warsaw, Polen.

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MAGIX jest niemiecką marką założoną w 1993 roku przez Jürgena Jarona. Firma od ponad 20 lat jest czołowym producentem w branży zajmującej się tworzeniem i rozwijaniem oprogramowań do edycji wideo, edycji audio, DAW i pokazu slajdów. Produkty MAGIX cenione są za swoją wysoką jakość, łatwą i intuicyjną obsługę, a przy tym atrakcyjną cenę. Te wydajne rozwiązania usprawnią każdy proces tworzenia niezależnie od tego czy będą wykorzystywane przez profesjonalistę czy osobę początkującą. MAGIX stale stawia na rozwój, dlatego jest w stanie zapewnić najnowsze technologie, które będą wykonywać swoje zadania w 100%.


  • Hauptsitz des Herstellers: Deutschland


  • Produktanzahl: 9
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