Closed Headphones
beyerdynamic DT 770 M 80 - Professioneller dynamischer Kopfhörer, geschlossen, speziell für Schlagzeuger, mit Lautstärkeregler B-STOCK
beyerdynamic DT 770 M 80 - Professioneller dynamischer Kopfhörer, geschlossen, speziell für Schlagzeuger, mit Lautstärkeregler
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Prodipe 3000BR - professional studio headphones B-STOCK
Prodipe 3000BR - professioneller Studiokopfhörer
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Rode NTH-100 White - Kopfhörer B-STOCK
Die Rode NTH-100 White sind Premium-Over-Ear-Kopfhörer, die außergewöhnliche Klangqualität und hohen Tragekomfort bieten. Perfekt für Profis und Audiophile. Hervorragende Klangqualität, elegantes weißes Design und ergonomische Bauweise machen sie zur idealen Wahl für das Studio und den Alltag.
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
PreSonus HD7 - Professional Monitoring Headphones B-STOCK
Professional monitoring headphones
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
beyerdynamic DT 700 PRO X - słuchawki studyjne zamknięte B-STOCK
beyerdynamic DT 700 PRO X – słuchawki studyjne zamknięte
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Regulärer Preis: 221,40 EUR
Special Price 200,66 EUR
Günstigster Preis 30 Tage vor Aktionsbeginn: 200,66 EUR
Produkt ist zugänlich
Proel HFC60 - headphones B-STOCK
Proel HFC60 HIPSTYLE High-definition closed-back dynamic headphones
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
SONY MDR-M1 - Geschlossene Kopfhörer B-STOCK
Die Sony MDR-M1 sind professionelle, geschlossene Kopfhörer mit 40-mm-Treibern, die Studioqualität im Bereich von 5 Hz bis 80 kHz bieten. Komfortabel, leicht (216 g), mit hervorragender Schallisolierung und austauschbaren Ohrpolstern. Ideal für Musiker, Produzenten und Tontechniker.B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Beyerdynamic DT 1770 PRO MK II - Professionelle geschlossene Studiokopfhörer B-STOCK
Die Beyerdynamic DT 1770 PRO MKII Kopfhörer sind die kompromisslose Lösung für Profis, die perfekten Klang suchen. Mit modernen TESLA.45-Treibern und einer universellen Impedanz von 30 Ohm bieten sie hervorragende Klangqualität und Komfort auch bei langen Sessions. Durch die austauschbaren Ohrpolster bieten sie zwei verschiedene Klangprofile: ausgewogen und analytisch. Die robuste Bauweise und die Liebe zum Detail machen diese Kopfhörer ideal für den Studio- und Live-Einsatz.
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.