Condenser Microphones SONTRONICS
Sontronics to brytyjska marka produkująca wysokiej klasy mikrofony. To co wyróżnia tę markę, to pasja do mikrofonów, świetne brzmienie, fakt iż konstrukcje są projektowane i wykonywane w Wielkiej Brytanii oraz dożywotnia gwarancja (jako jedyna marka mikrofonów na świecie!). Dlatego też korzystanie z mikrofonów Sontronics to dożywotnia satysfakcja!
Sontronics DM-1B - condenser microphone
SONTRONICS DM-1B condenser mic for bass Our British-designed Sontronics DM-1B is a large-diaphragm condenser microphone with a fixed cardioid pattern, created specifically for use with kick drum and bass instruments.
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Sontronics Aria - tube microphone
Launched in 2014, our Sontronics ARIA valve/tube cardioid condenser microphone was developed and designed by Sontronics founder and designer Trevor Coley specifically for getting the best from your vocals.
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Sontronics STC-2 Pack BK - condenser microphone
Sontronics STC-2 Pack BK - condenser microphone
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Sontronics STC-2 Pack Silver - condenser microphone
Sontronics STC-2 Pack Silver - condenser microphone
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Sontronics ORPHEUS - condenser microphone
Thanks to its three polar patterns, its unique -10dB cut and +10dB boost function and its striking design, Sontronics ORPHEUS is a must-have for practically any studio or live application… and many users call it the best room mic they've ever heard!
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Sontronics Mercury
Premium-quality valve/tube condenser microphone designed to sound stunning on whatever you're recording, from solo instruments, percussion and vocals to ensemble and orchestral work, overhead and room miking, voiceover and more.
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