Wyszukiwanie B-Stock
140 Artikel wurden unter Verwendung der folgenden Suchkriterien gefunden
- B-Stock: Ja
- Kategorie: Microphones
CKMOVA Vocal M V4 - to podwójny bezprzewodowy zestaw z nadajnikiem do mikrofonów z gniazdem XLR oraz mikrofonem krawatowym B-STOCK
CKMOVA Vocal M V4 - to podwójny bezprzewodowy zestaw z nadajnikiem do mikrofonów z gniazdem XLR oraz mikrofonem krawatowym.Głównie używany przez dziennikarzy oraz na scenach gdzie brak kabli jest kluczowym czynnikiem. Bardzo duży zasięg (150metrów), metalowa obudowa, bateria która wytrzymuje do 12 godzin pracy oraz wbudowany recorder sprawiają iż jest to jedno z najlepszych rozwiązań na rynku.
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
MIPRO ACT-312B/ACT-32H*2 (5NB) - Dwukanałowy system bezprzewodowy Diversity z dwoma mikrofonami do ręki, funkcja ACT, 1/2-Rack B-STOCK
MIPRO ACT-312B / ACT-32H * 2 (5NB) - Diversity two-channel wireless system with two handheld microphones, ACT function, 1/2-Rack
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Samson CR288 HH CONCERT - Handmikrofonsender Q6 - 518-542 MHz B-STOCK
Samson CR288 HH CONCERT - Handmikrofonsender Q6 - 518-542 MHz
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Regulärer Preis: 45,40 EUR
Special Price 40,83 EUR
Günstigster Preis 30 Tage vor Aktionsbeginn: 40,58 EUR
Produkt ist zugänlich
BOYA BY-MM1+ - Super-cardioid Condenser Shotgun Microphone B-STOCK
BOYA BY-MM1+ - Super-cardioid Condenser Shotgun Microphone
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
MARANTZ PROFESSIONAL MPM2000U - Kondensatormikrofon
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Reloop sPodcaster Go - Kondensatormikrofon B-STOCK
Reloop sPodcaster Go - Kondensatormikrofon
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Universal Audio SP-1 - Stereo Mikrofon Pärchen B-STOCK
Das Universal Audio SP-1 ist ein Paar Kleinmembran-Kondensatormikrofone mit nierenförmiger Richtcharakteristik, die für professionelle Stereoaufnahmen entwickelt wurden. Mit Apollo-Signalweg-Presets ist das Erreichen einer hochwertigen Klangqualität schnell und einfach. Perfekt für die Aufnahme von akustischen Instrumenten, Schlagzeug und Live-Auftritten.
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Shure KSM 141/SL - condenser microphone B-STOCK
Shure KSM 141/SL - condenser microphone
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Prodipe B210DUO DSP UHF - wireless system B-STOCK
Prodipe B210DUO DSP UHF - drahtloses System
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
sE Electronics V7 MC1 Black - dynamische Kapsel B-STOCK
sE Electronics V7 MC1 Black - dynamische Kapsel
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.