Tierra Flavour Preamp - Model Mint - preamp Zoom

Tierra Flavour Preamp - Model Mint - preamp

‌Tierra Flavour Preamp - Model Mint - preamp

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Model : Flavour Preamp - Model Mint
Artikelposition : SUP_MC3856
Garantie : 2 Jahre
Hersteller : Tierra Audio
Flavours Preamps is a collection of studio-quality microphone inline analog preamplifiers that will bring an extra dose of gain, texture and colour to your vocals and instrument recordings, and live performances.

Thanks to the wide range of flavours offered, you can enjoy different gain levels, from an enhanced and crystalline sound to different types and intensities of “sonic flavours” specially designed to bring a unique character, always without losing a drop of musicality. You will get warmer nuances and sounds, others sharper or hotter, others denser, others more saturated, others with more definition, more grain, or even more crunchy.

Simply plug in your favourite microphone and start singing or playing your instrument: You’ll be amazed at your “new sound”!

Like all our products, the Flavours Preamps are handmade with tons of love in Madrid (Spain), with circuits and electronic components of the highest quality. They result from the joint effort of engineers, musicians, designers, and producers to provide a full range of “portable flavours” that will enrich and nuance the sound of your microphones.

Your creativity will rule as you record voices and instruments of all kinds!

Your sound always with you.

Put them in the backpack, keep them in the guitar case, purse, or the car’s glove box.

They are ultra-compact and don’t need batteries or additional power cables, so you can use them comfortably not only at home or in the recording studio but also in the rehearsal room, in your live concerts, in your streaming and videoconference sessions, or working on your productions all over the city, or while traveling or on vacation.

What flavours are there?

Truffle, Cocoa, Mint, Chilli, Vanilla, Pepper and Salt.

We have designed seven different flavours, offering a very versatile sound range to help you improve the sound of your lead voices, choirs, Spanish guitars, acoustic guitars, electric guitar, bass amplifiers, and all kinds of string instruments such as violins, cellos or double basses, percussion instruments… In short, any voice or instrument that can be picked up by a microphone.

Each of the models offers a different gain level (all boosted), as well as a possible frequency filter (more or less bass, mid and/or treble) and a certain harmonic distortion (soft or hard), or even an improved but totally neutral sound, without additives.

Mint offers a very fresh sound, rich in treble and with a slightly bright amplification.

Perfect for enhancing your darker voices, instruments or microphones, such as the Shure SM7B and most ribbon microphones.


• FREQUENCY FILTER: less bass, more treble.
• HARMONIC DISTORTION: soft even harmonics, fast response to transients.

Einzelheiten der Lieferung des Produkts Tierra Flavour Preamp - Model Mint - preamp

Versendung von Warsaw, Polen.

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Tierra Audio to producent ręcznie tworzonego sprzętu ProAudio. Firma powstała w 2018 w Madrycie i od początku stawiała na konstruowanie produktów wysokiej jakości w przystępnej cenie


  • Hauptsitz des Herstellers: Spanien


  • Produktanzahl: 17
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