Hayakumo FORENO-Rack - Analog VU meter Zoom

Hayakumo FORENO-Rack - Analog VU meter

‌Hayakumo FORENO-Rack - Analog VU meter

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Model : FORENO-Rack
Artikelposition : SUP_MC3488
Garantie : 2 Jahre
Hersteller : Hayakumo
FORENO-Rack packs the samefunctionality as the FORENO in a 2U rack format. Higher-spec VU meter and improved functionality, effortlessly fitting in any kind of working environment. 

The VU meter unit is manufactured by

Fuso Measuring Instruments Co., Ltd., who has been in the business for more than 87 years, and FORENO-Rack uses a high-precision, high-reliability product from the company's line up, strictly manufactured based on the NHK standard BTS5703 or JIS C1504. For the lighting, LED is used and ensures great visibility as well as lasting life.

In addition, the front panel is equipped with a 5-stage switchable attenuator, enabling flexible use without any troublesome settings in any environment. 

Foreno-Rack is made in Japan, and all products are manufactured under a strict quality control.

■ Product features


2U rack mount size: W470 x H88 x D117mm

robust metal housing

VU meter:

Manufactured based on NHK standard BTS5703 or JIS C1504

Uses a high-precision, highly reliable meter manufactured by Fuso Measuring Instruments Co., Ltd.

Lighting uses LEDs, ensuring great visibility


Adjustable input level:  5 step attenuator in 3 dB increments


THRU OUT connector with minimum sound quality deteoriation

Compatible with any studio environment

Independent calibration on LR channels:

LR channels can be calibrated independently on the back panel for fine adjustments 

Made In Japan:

Made-in-Japan with strict quality control

■ Specification
  • Accessories: power adapter, manual, warranty card
  • VU meter: Conforms to BTS5703 (JIS C1504) standard, impedance 3.9kΩ (± 200Ω), time constant 0.3sec ± 10%, frequency range 30Hz ~ 15000Hz, LED lamp inside illumination type (DC12V)
  • INPUT connector: XLR (female) / TRS phone COMBO jack
  • THROUGH OUT connector: XLR (male) 
  • Input impedance: 47kΩ balanced input
  • Nominal input level: + 4dBu (1.228V)
  • Maximum input level: + 24dBu (12.283V)
  • Input calibration: Approx. + 3dB / -∞ against specified input level, equipped with semi-fixed VR (Cal.) for each of Lch and Rch
  • Power supply: Input AC100V ~ 240V (0.58Amax), output DC24V (1Amax) power adapter used (DC output cable length = approx. 1.5m)
  • Power consumption: Up to about 3.5VA
  • Dimensions: W470 x H88 x D117mm
  • Weight: body=approx. 2,370 g, power adapter = approx. 130 g
*Please note that the specifications are subject to change without prior notice

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Hayakumo specjalizuje się w tworzeniu instrumentów muzycznych oraz sprzętu audio. Marka skupia się, aby projektować jakościowe rozwiązania, które będą pomocne podczas produkcji muzyki.


  • Hauptsitz des Herstellers: Japan


  • Produktanzahl: 3
  • Anzahl der verfügbaren Produkte: 2
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