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AirTurn Bite Switch

AirTurn Bite Switch

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Model : Bite Switch
Artikelposition : SUP_w3
Garantie : 3 Jahre
Hersteller : AirTurn

If you need both hands and feet to play your instrument, you can use a bite switch to turn your pages. It utilizes a very gentle bite to operate the AirTurn BT-106 and is extremely easy to use. If you need both hands and feet free to play your instrument, you can use a bite switch to turn your pages. It utilizes a very gentle bite to operate the AirTurn BT-106 and is extremely easy to use. This is a single switch, so it plugs into either the forward or backward port on the BT-106. It does not turn pages both directions since it is a single switch.

The Bite Switch is comprised of a durable, sealed tubular switch assembly measuring 1.5 inches long (3.81 cm) by 1/4 inch diameter (.63 cm), a 36 inch (91 cm) coaxial wire, and a 3.5mm plug. During use, the switch is placed in the mouth with the wire pointing either to the right or left.

Biting anywhere on the red section ("bite zone") actuates the switch and triggers the BT-106. There are two tactile ribs so the user can instantly feel the bite zone with their teeth and lips. The required bite force is about what it would take to bite through a small carrot, or about how hard the average person can comfortably bite on their own finger without pain.

The actual depression of the switch mechanism is only about 1/8", so very little jaw movement is needed. As a result, head motion is extremely small. It should always be bitten only with the front teeth, not with the sharp canine teeth, and only hard enough to slightly flatten the tubular portion. Usage otherwise may deform the internal components or puncture the flexible casing and cause a malfunction.

Weight: .2 lbs (90 gms)

Warranty period: 3 years


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Versendung von Warsaw, Polen.

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AirTurn jest amerykańską firmą produkująca bezprzewodowe przełaczniki, statywy czy kable połączeniowe od ponad 10lat. Ich produkty są kompletowane i testowane w stanie Kolorado.


  • Hauptsitz des Herstellers: Vereinigte Staaten
  • Durchschnittliche Produktbewertung: 4.8


  • Produktanzahl: 26


  • Serviceindikator: 6,13%
  • Durchschnittliche Reparaturzeit: 4 Tage
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