Warehouse Sale
Acoustic Cabin (reflection filter)
CKMOVA SRF5 - an acoustic cabin in the form of a reflexion filter that eliminates unwanted sound reflections and echo during recordings. Ideal for studio and home use, it features foldable sides and tripod mounting for complete customization. It includes high-density acoustic foam along with the necessary mounts and an adapter.
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CKMOVA SRF5 - Acoustic Cabin (reflection filter)
CKMOVA SRF5 - an acoustic cabin in the form of a reflexion filter that eliminates unwanted sound reflections and echo during recordings. Ideal for studio and home use, it features foldable sides and tripod mounting for complete customization. It includes high-density acoustic foam along with the necessary mounts and an adapter.
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Behringer X1222USB - Audio Mixer B-STOCK
Behringer X1222USB - Premium 16-Input 2/2-Bus Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamps & Compressors, British EQs, 24-Bit Multi-FX Processor and USB/Audio Interface
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Alto Professional TS 412 - Loudspeaker with bluetooth B-STOCK
Alto Professional TS 412 - Loudspeaker with bluetooth
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Behringer CONTROL2USB - High-End Studio Control B-STOCK
Behringer CONTROL2USB - High-End Studio Control and Communication Center with VCA Control and USB Audio Interface
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
CKMOVA LPM3 - mikrofon nagłowny B-STOCK
CKMOVA LPM3 to mikrofon nagłowny z końcówką mini XLR 3 pinową, która pasuje do zestawów AKG i Samsona. Mikrofon ten jest idealny do pracy prezentera, nagrywania podcastów czy prowadzenia rozmów biznesowych online. Dzięki swojemu delikatnemu deasignowi i jasnym kolorze wkomponuje się w każdą scenerie.
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
CKMOVA Vocal X V1 - bezprzewodowy mikrofon do kamery B-STOCK
CKMOVA Vocal X V1 to pojedyńczy bezprzewodowy mikrofon do kamery o zasięgu do 100 metrów. W zestawie jest dodatkowy mikrofon krawatowy co daje wiele możliwości użytkowania. Nadajnik i odbiornik na jednym ładowaniu wytrzymuje do 10 godzin! Wyjście słuchawkowe 3,5mm TRS (mały jack) pozwala na odsłuch nagrania w czasie rzeczywistym bez żadnych opóźnień. Regulacja głośności odbywa się poprzez umieszczone na odbiorniku pokrętło co jest dużym ułatwieniem podczas pracy w terenie. Producent jest w stanie zapewnić dopracowane i stabilne rozwiązania w technologii 2.4GHz, która zapewnia stabilną transmisję sygnału i dostarcza wysokiej jakości dźwięk.
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Regular Price: EUR116.43
Special Price EUR104.54
Lowest price 30 days before the promotion starts: EUR98.26
Product available
Behringer ULM202USB - Handheld Microphones B-STOCK
Behringer ULM202USB - High-Performance 2.4 GHz Digital Wireless System with 2 Handheld Microphones and Dual-Mode USB Receiver
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
CKMOVA LCM2 - mikrofon krawatowy do kamer i smartphonów B-STOCK
CKMOVA LCM2 to profesjonalny wielokierunkowy pojemnościowy mikrofon krawatowy które ma szeroki wachlarz zastosowań. Połączenie TRRS współpracuje z smartphonami oraz kamerami, a 6 metrowy kabel nie będzie ograniczał podczas użytkowania nawet w trochę dalszej odległości. Dzięki funkcji Plug&Play mikrofon wystarczy podpiąć do urządzenia i od razu możemy cieszyć się jego działaniem.
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.
Regular Price: EUR16.51
Special Price EUR9.90
Lowest price 30 days before the promotion starts: EUR11.82
Product available
CKMOVA AC-UC3 - kabel 3,5mm TRS - USB C B-STOCK
CKMOVA AC-UC3 to kabel 3,5mm TRS - USB C o długości 25 cm. Daje nam to możliwość podłączenia sygnału audio z mikrofonu, odbiornika bezprzewodowego bądź miksera bezpośrednio do Smartphona z USB C. Dzięki bezpośredniemu przejściu na USB C unikamy zakłóceń związanych z dodatkowymi przejściówkami.
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.