NEO d+ Class B DJ set USB-C to USB-B (1m) - audio cable Zoom

NEO d+ Class B DJ set USB-C to USB-B (1m) - audio cable

NEO d+ Class B DJ set USB-C to USB-B (1m) - audio cable

Product available: 8 pcs

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Product attributes
Model : d+ Class B DJ set USB-C to USB-B (1m)
Manufacturer : Neo
Product Description
The d+ series offers the highest quality sound and outstanding design in audio systems with components such as DJ consoles, audio interfaces, monitors, mixers, effectors, synthesizers, and other musical equipment. When planning the d+ series, the best combination of materials and user needs were taken into account.

You have probably already seen the d+ Class B series. This is because there has always been a strive to improve the sound quality, and the cable has an impact on the transmitted audio signal. Many professionals use the d+ series, and now you too can easily get the best out of your sound system.

Key Features:

The conductor used in the d+ Class B series is high-purity oxygen-free copper of 18 AWG, preventing signal losses and providing consistent signal transmission in any audio system.

The flat cable architecture prevents signal distortions arising from interference between conductors.

The outer insulation made of soft PVC and the stereo adapter shield allow for diverse and convenient connections.

The Class B of the d+ series is qualitatively similar to high-end series, but its price is tailored to cater to a wider user base.


Structure: flat (reversed concentric structure),
Conductor: 18 AWG high-purity oxygen-free copper,
Insulator: polyolefin,
Outer sheath: flexible PVC,
Housings: PBT + glass fiber.

Set includes:
2 cables 2xRCA-2xRCA 1m,
1 cable USB C - USB B 1m,
Carrying case.

Product delivery details NEO d+ Class B DJ set USB-C to USB-B (1m) - audio cable

Shipment from Warsaw, Poland.

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Neo jest japońską marką założoną w 1952 roku, należy ona do OYADE Electric. Specjalizuje się ona w projektowaniu wysokiej jakości kabli. Firma obserwując rynek muzyczny od lat zauważyła, że krajobraz DJ-ów jest coraz bardziej zdominowany przez laptopy, dlatego postanowiła dostarczyć trwałe i bezbłędne rozwiązania kablowe, które dzięki niezawodności w transmisji danych przeniosą dźwięk na wyższy poziom. Mają one za zadanie nie tylko spełnic, ale także przekroczyć wymagania i oczekiwania producentów, muzyków orz DJ-ów na całym świecie. 


  • Manufacturer's headquarters: Japan


  • Product count: 54
  • Available product count: 31

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  • Service indicator: 0,80%
  • Average repair time: no data
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