A few words about manufacturer

Kable instrumentalne Snap Jack to zastrzeżony amerykański patent firmy ZZYZX należącej do koncernu Jodavi. Unikalna konstrukcja i zastosowanie najnowszych rozwiązań pozwoliło na stworzenie zaawansowanego technologicznie a zarazem przyjemnego i prostego w użytkowaniu produktu.

Currently in our offer there are 1 product manufactured by SnapJack. We have 1 product in our warehouse ready for shipment.

Depending on customer's localization and type of product, following delivery methods are avilable: Courier - standard and Personal Pick-up.

Products manufactured by SnapJack sold in our store are covered by a convenient door-to-door warranty, with one of the following periods: 2 years (precise warranty duration is visible on the product page).

SnapJack products in categories

Click here, for list of all SnapJack products.

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