
Hamilton KB3500G Super Guitar Stand

Hamilton KB3500G Super Guitar Stand

Product available: 5 pcs

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Product attributes
Model : KB3500G
SKU : SUP_as1037
Warranty : 2 years
Producent : Hamilton
Product Description

The Stage PRO KB3500G Super Guitar Stand has three legs and a hinged back support which allows it to fold to a small size for transport and storage, easily fitting into most any gig bag. The back support cushion is a larger spherical shape and made from a soft rubber. This material is safe for all types of finishes and has an attractive look. The feet are made from the same thermoplastic rubber as the back cushion and are also spherically shaped. All metal parts of the stand are finished with a durable black powder coating.

In function the back support arm and cushion rotate up for use, providing a higher support position than what is offered on other brands of compact folding stands. The three legs are made from steel tubing, which provides more stability and is lighter in weight than stands made from flat strips. Additionally, there are no knobs required for adjustment.

One stand does it all. The KB3500G Super Guitar stand's folding cradle support will work with a wide variety of acoustic and electric guitars and basses. For the retailers, there are fewer products to stock. For the musician, there's no need to worry about having the right stand for the instrument.

Provided in a self-merchandising display box with a great deal, the KB3500G Super Guitar Stand from Hamilton is a perfect choice for the store, home, travel and studio!

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Hamilton jest amerykańską marką założoną w 1883 roku przez dwie rodziny: Krauth i Benninghofen. Początkowo była to mała działalność zajmująca się projektowaniem i produkcją różnorodnych statywów dla dopiero rozwijającego się wtedy przemysłu muzycznego. W 1898 roku firma otrzymała jeden z pierwszych swoich patentów - stojak na nuty, od tego momentu sukcesywnie rozwijała swoje przedsiębiorstwo i uzyskiwała coraz to więcej patentów. Aktualnie dzięki swojemu ponad 130 letniemu doświadczeniu tworzy ona stale niezawodne i jakościowe rozwiązania, które dostarczą artystom to czego potrzebują. 


  • Manufacturer's headquarters: United States
  • Average product rating: 3.5


  • Product count: 81
  • Available product count: 65

SRepair statistics

  • Service indicator: 1,71%
  • Average repair time: 3 days
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