Interfejs USB (od ang. Universal Serial Bus - uniwersalna magistrala szeregowa) został powstał jako zastąpienie starych portów szeregowych i równoległych. Został stworzony przez firmy Microsoft, Intel, Compaq, IBM i DEC. Aktualnie na rynku dostępne jest wiele różniących się od siebie rodzajów USB. Jedną z najnowszych wersji USB jest USB-C. Swoim wyglądem nie różni zbytnio się od wtyczki Thunderbolt 3.
PreSonus Studio 26c - interface audio USB-C
EUR179.02Product available: 1 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
PreSonus Studio 24c - interface audio USB-C
EUR138.62Product available: 2 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
M-audio M-track duo - 2-channel USB Audio Interface
EUR52.58Product available: 10 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Universal Audio UA - APOLLO X6 - Audio interface
EUR2,064.78Product available: 1 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Kurzweil UNiTE-2 - USB 2.0 Audio Interface
EUR123.09Product available: 9 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Freqport FreqInOut F01 - Audio Interface
EUR597.28Product available: 7 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Black Lion Revolution 14x16 - USB audio interface
EUR1,529.41Product available: 2 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Rodecaster Duo White - audio studio for podcastersGT
EUR525.10Product available: 8 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
PreSonus Quantum ES 4 - Audio Interface
EUR271.03Product available: 6 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
PreSonus Quantum HD 8 - Audio Interface
Regular Price: EUR820.03
Special Price EUR812.38
Lowest price 30 days before the promotion starts: EUR812.38
Product available: 5 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Audient ID22 - audio interface
Regular Price: EUR353.25
Special Price EUR250.72
Lowest price 30 days before the promotion starts: EUR250.72
Product available: 1 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Zoom AMS-24 - Audio Interface for Music & Streaming
EUR118.55Product available: 2 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Arturia MiniFuse 2 white - Audio interface
EUR138.39Product available
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Universal Audio UA VOLT 1 - Interface
EUR118.55Product available: 16 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Universal Audio UA VOLT 176 - Interface
EUR175.19Product available: 9 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Universal Audio UA VOLT 276 - Interface
EUR262.67Product available: 8 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
RME FireFace UCX II - USB Audio Interface
EUR1,302.83Product available: 2 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
PreSonus AVB-D16 - Interface
EUR666.83Product available: 1 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Black Lion Revolution 2x2 - Interface
EUR279.64Product available: 1 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
RODE AI-Micro - Compact Audio Interface
EUR83.41Product available: 9 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
IK Multimedia iRig Stream Pro - audio interface
EUR192.40Product available: 3 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
PreSonus Revelator io44 - Interface Audio USB-C
EUR157.27Product available: 7 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
EUR160.13Product available: 6 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop
Black Lion Revolution 6x6 - audio interface USB
EUR601.82Product available: 1 pcs
Main warehouse
Stationary shop