Semi-open Headphones
Ten rodzaj słuchawek to połączenie rozwiązania otwartego i zamkniętego.
Producenci różnie podchodzą w kwestii konstrukcyjnej takich słuchawek. Niektórzy stawiają na opcje bardziej otwartą z elementami wersji zamkniętej , zaś inni odwrotnie. Słuchawki półotwarte są pewnym kompromisem, lecz trzeba pamiętać że w 100% nie spełnią one zadania jako słuchawki stricte zamknięte bądź otwarte.
Superlux HD681 - Professional semi-open monitor headphones, featuring strong and deep bass, providing an amazing sensation of being directly immersed with artists on stage.
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Superlux HD681B - Professional semi-open monitor headphones with a perfectly balanced character and powerful bass, placing you right in the middle of the concert hall.
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Superlux HD681 EVO White - Semi-open monitor headphones. The successor to the legendary HD681. Excellent over-ear headphones for anyone looking for high-quality sound and comfort at an affordable price.
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Superlux HD681F - Professional semi-open monitor headphones with a flat and wide frequency response that will transport you to the front row of the concert hall.
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Superlux HD681 EVO Black - Semi-open monitor headphones. The successor to the legendary HD681. Excellent over-ear headphones for anyone looking for high-quality sound and comfort at an affordable price.
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Superlux HD330 - Semi-open studio headphones. With a precisely balanced frequency response and enhanced bass, it provides good impact and excellent sound clarity. Suitable for both music enthusiasts and professional sound engineers.
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