Interfejs USB (od ang. Universal Serial Bus - uniwersalna magistrala szeregowa) został powstał jako zastąpienie starych portów szeregowych i równoległych. Został stworzony przez firmy Microsoft, Intel, Compaq, IBM i DEC. Aktualnie na rynku dostępne jest wiele różniących się od siebie rodzajów USB. Jedną z najnowszych wersji USB jest USB-C. Swoim wyglądem nie różni zbytnio się od wtyczki Thunderbolt 3.
Arturia AudioFuse Studio - interface audio
The Arturia AudioFuse Studio advanced audio interface with four DiscretePRO© preamps, Bluetooth Audio, reamping features, and A/B outputs. Includes the comprehensive AudioFuse Creative Suite software package. Compact and perfect for professionals.
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MOTU 828 NEW 2024 - Audio-Interface
MOTU 828 New 2024 is a revolutionary audio interface, designed with professional music producers and sound engineers in mind. This advanced device offers 28 inputs and outputs, enabling flexible management of multiple sound sources as well as high-quality recordings. Learn More -
Arturia AudioFuse 16Rig - Audio interface
Arturia AudioFuse 16Rig is a versatile audio interface with 16 inputs and outputs, advanced preamps, and extensive connectivity including ADAT, S/PDIF, Word Clock, ideal for professionals in both studio and live settings.
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Arturia AudioFuse 16Rig - Audio interface B-STOCK
Arturia AudioFuse 16Rig is a versatile audio interface with 16 inputs and outputs, advanced preamps, and extensive connectivity including ADAT, S/PDIF, Word Clock, ideal for professionals in both studio and live settings.
B-STOCK. This is a product which has been returned by a customer within their 14-day money-back guarantee or opened by our team to test. Fully functional and come with a full warranty.