Interfejs USB (od ang. Universal Serial Bus - uniwersalna magistrala szeregowa) został powstał jako zastąpienie starych portów szeregowych i równoległych. Został stworzony przez firmy Microsoft, Intel, Compaq, IBM i DEC. Aktualnie na rynku dostępne jest wiele różniących się od siebie rodzajów USB. Jedną z najnowszych wersji USB jest USB-C. Swoim wyglądem nie różni zbytnio się od wtyczki Thunderbolt 3.
Universal Audio UA - APOLLO TWIN USB - Audio interface
Audio Interface 10 IN / 6 OUT USB 3.0, 24bit / 192kHz with integrated DSP UAD-2 DUO, emulations of analog classics in real time [Neve, Studer, Manley, Lexicon, etc.], 2 analog inputs [2 preamps UA Unison] , 6 analog outputs, headphone output, digital input [ADAT, S / PDIF] drivers [PC]
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Universal audio UA UAD-2 Satellite USB QUAD Core - DSP accelerator
Universal Audio UAD-2 Satellite USB QUAD Core is a DSP accelerator that enables running UAD plugins via USB 3.0 on PC. Equipped with four SHARC processors, it provides significant DSP power for handling professional mixes. Includes the Analog Classics Plus bundle and is compatible with major DAWs. Fanless design ensures quiet operation.
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Universal audio UA UAD-2 Satellite USB OCTO Core - DSP accelerator
Universal Audio UAD-2 Satellite USB OCTO Core is a DSP accelerator that allows running UAD plugins via USB 3.0 on Windows computers. Equipped with eight SHARC processors, it provides powerful audio processing and access to over 90 UAD plugins. Compatible with popular DAWs, it includes the Analog Classics Plus bundle, featuring plugins like 1176LN, LA-2A, and Pultec EQP-1A.
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Universal Audio UA APOLLO SOLO HE - Interface Audio Thunderbolt
Apollo Solo Heritage Edition is a 2x4 audio interface on Thunderbolt 3, perfect for Mac and Windows. It offers real-time UAD processing, two Unison preamps, UAD plugins, and full LUNA compatibility. Record with studio quality anywhere!
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Universal Audio UA - APOLLO SOLO USB HE - Interface Audio
Universal Audio Apollo Solo USB Heritage Edition is a special edition of the popular UA 2x4 audio interface for USB3. It offers leading audio conversion, two Unison preamps, and real-time UAD SOLO Core plugin processing. Includes 5 award-winning UAD plugins, such as Teletronix® and Pultec®.
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Universal Audio UA VOLT 476P - Interface
Universal Audio UA VOLT 476P - Interface
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Universal Audio UA - VOLT 4 - Interface
Universal Audio UA - VOLT 4 - Interface
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