Instrumental Shure
Shure jest amerykańską firmą założoną w 1925 roku przez Sidney'a Shura. Marka zajmuje się produkcją sprzętu takiego jak np. mikrofony, słuchawki, miksery i procesory audio, systemy bezprzewodowe, wkładki gramofonowe, monitory estradowe. Z produktów korzystali tacy artyści jak Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Coldplay czy Taylor Swift. Sprzęt Shure był wykorzystywany podczas tak ważnych wydarzeń jak ceremonia wręczenia nagród Grammy czy Montreux Jazz Festiwal.
Shure SLXD 14E-J53 (562-606 MHz) - Wireless Set with WA305 Instrumental Cable
The SLXD14E-J53 wireless set features an SLXD1 bodypack transmitter with a WA305 Premium instrument cable and an SLXD4 receiver. It provides digital, clear, and stable sound transmission in lecture halls and live performances. Learn More -
Shure SLXD 14E-G59 (470-514 MHz) - Wireless Set with WA305 Instrumental Cable
The SLXD14E-G59 wireless set features an SLXD1 bodypack transmitter with a WA305 Premium instrument cable and an SLXD4 receiver. It provides digital, clear, and stable sound transmission in lecture halls and live performances. Learn More -
Shure BLX14E/B98 - Wireless Instrument System
Shure BLX14E/B98 - Wireless Instrument System
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Shure BLX14E-H8E - Wireless System Guitar Set (with WA302 cable)
Shure BLX14E - Wireless System Guitar Set (with WA302 cable)
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SHURE GLXD14R+E - Digital DUAL BAND Wireless System with Bodypack Transmitter and WA302 Guitar Cable (Rack Version)
SHURE GLXD14R+E - Digital DUAL BAND Wireless System with Bodypack Transmitter and WA302 Guitar Cable (Rack Version)
The Shure GLXD14R+E is an advanced wireless microphone system with digital sound transmission. It offers easy setup, automatic frequency management, and long-lasting battery life. Ideal for various applications, from live performances to conferences, it is characterized by reliability, durability, and high sound quality
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SHURE GLXD14+E/B98 - Digital wireless instrument system with BETA®98H microphone on a flexible gooseneck
SHURE GLXD14+E/B98 - Digital wireless instrument system with BETA®98H microphone on a flexible gooseneck
Shure GLXD14+E/B98 is a high-quality wireless microphone system with a Beta 98H/C instrument microphone. Offers exceptional sound quality and flexibility for wind and percussion instruments. Durable construction and easy operation, perfect for stage and studio
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SHURE GLXD14R+E/B98 - Digital DUAL BAND wireless system with bodypack transmitter and BETA 98H/C instrumental microphone (rack version)
SHURE GLXD14R+E/B98 - Digital DUAL BAND wireless system with bodypack transmitter and BETA 98H/C instrumental microphone (rack version)
The Shure GLXD14R+E/B98 system is an advanced wireless set with a BETA®98H flexible gooseneck instrumental microphone, GLXD1 transmitter, and GLXD4R receiver, ideal for brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments, offering excellent sound quality
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Shure SLX14L - Instrument Wireless System
Features WA302 Instrument Cable. Learn More