‌Decksaver Waldorf Iridium, M & KYRA Cover - Cover Zoom

‌Decksaver Waldorf Iridium, M & KYRA Cover - Cover

‌Decksaver Waldorf Iridium, M & KYRA Cover - Cover

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Product attributes
Model : ‌Decksaver Waldorf Iridium, M & KYRA Cover
SKU : SUP_MC4796
Manufacturer : Decksaver
Weight without package: 0.7 kg
Product Description

Patented smoked/clear transparency, unique to Decksaver.
Protects against dust, liquid and impact.
Shields vulnerable faders, switches and knobs during transportation.
Low profile design enables compatibility with most flight cases and travel bags.


The Waldorf Iridium, M & KYRA machines are gloriously high-quality devices, with each one having its own unique synth capabilities.

Just on the base level, the Kyra has a 128-Voice virtual analog synth with 8 parts, whilst the Iridium has a 16-Voice Synthesizer and the M has an 8-Voice Polyphonic Wavetable Synthesizer.

That is just the surface level of musical power they have.

With their complex nature and banks of switches, knobs, screens and pads, the risk of harm is closer than you think. This is where Decksaver steps in.

Working with these wonderful units, we have designed and custom-moulded right here in the UK, a super-tough polycarbonate cover to perfectly fit the contours of these exciting Waldorf devices.

With years of experience working with plastics, we have created the perfect cover to protect your machine against dust, debris, liquids, smoke and accidental impacts.

Our super-durable polycarbonate shells feature extreme durability and offer the highest degree of protection.

Dressing your Waldorf in a Decksaver cover should mean you will never have to worry about your Iridium, M or KYRA getting damaged at home, in the studio, or at the gig.

Weight: 0.665 kg
Length: 44.5 cm
Width: 30.8 cm
Height: 4.5 cm

Product delivery details ‌Decksaver Waldorf Iridium, M & KYRA Cover - Cover

Shipment from Warsaw, Poland.

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Decksaver jest brytyjską firmą, która powstała w 2008 roku przez Mustafę El-Etriby. Marka zajmuje się tworzeniem wysokiej jakości pokrowców dla najnowszej technologii audio. Wszystkie produkty tej firmy muszą przejść wszechstronne testy, tak aby producent był pewien, że jest w stanie zagwarantować 100% ochronę przed kurzem, dymem, cieczą czy uderzeniami niezależnie od tego czy sprzęt jest w domu czy w klubie.


  • Manufacturer's headquarters: United Kingdom
  • Average product rating: 5.0


  • Product count: 387

SRepair statistics

  • Service indicator: 0,88%
  • Average repair time: 1 day
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