Black Lion Seventeen Compressor - kompresor front Zoom

Black Lion Seventeen Compressor

Black Lion Seventeen Compressor

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Product attributes
Model : Seventeen
SKU : SUP_MC3143
Warranty : 2 years
Manufacturer : Black Lion
Product Description

The Seventeen is not the ’76 compressor that your grandfather recorded with.

The Seventeen is not the ’76 compressor that your grandfather recorded with. It isn’t even a remake but rather the Black Lion spin on what the ’76 Should have been. Designed in conjunction with hitmaker Tobias Lindell and featuring a redesigned and improved IC based front end, the Seventeen shows incredible detail and nuance normally not possible with this style compressor. This new front end circuit is coupled with our custom designed, made in Chicago output transformer, designed to give this unit a huge bottom end that balances out the open top end very nicely. We also include our proprietary Black Lion style power decoupling for an incredibly low noise floor. The Seventeen also uses high grade nichicon signal capacitors, widely considered some of the highest quality caps available.

Never the ones to settle for “good enough,” we have added features that users normally consider as upgrades or mods including, a frequency adjustable side chain, separate selectable high and low pass filters, a wet/dry mix knob to allow users to blend in dry signal into their compressed signal, the Seventeen has a palette of tones not available to anything else on the market today. It also includes the all important stereo link function for linking together two units.

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Black Lion jest amarykańską marką założoną w 2006 roku skupiającą się na tworzeniu sprzętu audio o niezwykle wysokiej jakości i wydajności. Firma stale rozwija się i modyfikuje swoje produkty tak, aby bez przerwy były one uznawane za niezawodny sprzęt, który pomoga poprawić i wzmocni jakość dźwięku. Black Lion w swojej ofercie posiada kompresory, przedwzmacniacze czy kondycjonery, które są używane przez wielu zdobywców nagród takich jak np. Grammy czy twórców filmów oraz programów telewizyjnych.


  • Manufacturer's headquarters: United States
  • Average product rating: 5.0


  • Product count: 27
  • Available product count: 16
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