IsoAcoustics ISO-PUCK Mini (zestaw x 8) Zoom

IsoAcoustics ISO-PUCK Mini (set x 8)

IsoAcoustics ISO-PUCK Mini (set x 8) are compact isolation pads for monitors and speakers, providing exceptional isolation, reducing movements and oscillations for enhanced sound clarity. Dimensions: 44 x 24 mm; Weight Capacity: 2.75 kg/unit; 8 units per set. Ideal for professional and home studios.

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Product attributes
Model : ISO-PUCK Mini
SKU : SUP_nj12155
Warranty : 2 years
Manufacturer : ISO Acoustic
Product Description
IsoAcoustics ISO-PUCK mini is an advanced isolation pad designed for studio monitors, speakers, and other audio systems. It features a unique, patented design that provides a high level of isolation, while resisting lateral movements and oscillations, resulting in greater sound clarity and focus. These versatile isolation tools are possibly the most cost-effective investment for enhancing the performance and clarity of speakers or monitors​​.

The small and compact design of the ISO-PUCK mini makes it an ideal solution for carrying between studios or recording sessions, ensuring consistent results and improved sound clarity in various locations. The upper flange of the ISO-PUCK mini acts like a suction cup, adhering to the underside of the speaker cabinet, while the lower isolator attaches to the supporting surface. All energy is managed within the core of the ISO-PUCK mini isolators, which are carefully tuned to provide superior isolation and control while remaining on-axis. The low-profile design makes it suitable for meter bridges, floor stands, consoles, desktops, millwork, or soffit mounting. These isolators decouple studio monitors and speakers from the supporting surface, eliminating energy transfer and the resulting sound smearing and coloration. Placement on even the most solid surfaces will significantly benefit as internal reflections coming back up from the supporting surface are attenuated, eliminating smear and enhancing sound clarity and stereo imaging​​.

Product Specification of IsoAcoustics ISO-PUCK mini:

  • Dimensions (WxDxH): 1.7″ x 0.9″ (44 x 24 mm).
  • Weight Capacity: 6 lbs (2.75 kg) per unit.
  • Quantity: 8 units per box​

Product delivery details IsoAcoustics ISO-PUCK Mini (set x 8)

Shipment from Warsaw, Poland.

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ISO Acoustic jest kanadyjską firmą założoną w 2012 roku przez Dave'a Morrisona. Zajmuje się ona produkcją izolacyjnych rozwiązań dla branży audio. Wszystkie produkty są wykonywane w oparcie o wieloletnie doświadczenie pracowników marki, a sam jej założyciel przez blisko 20 lat tworzył w Canadian Broadcasting Coorporation. Każde rozwiązanie ISO Acoustic jest wykonywane na bazie opatentowanych projektów, które doskonale spełniają swoją rolę zarówno dla profesjonalnego audio jak i dla domowego studia projektowego. Firma niejednokrotnie została doceninion otrzymując liczne wyróżnienia.


  • Manufacturer's headquarters: Canada
  • Average product rating: 5.0


  • Product count: 19

SRepair statistics

  • Service indicator: there were no repairs
  • Average repair time: no data
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