‌TC Electronic DUAL WRECK PREAMP - Twin-Channel Guitar Preamp Zoom

‌TC Electronic DUAL WRECK PREAMP - Twin-Channel Guitar Preamp

‌TC Electronic DUAL WRECK PREAMP - Twin-Channel Guitar Preamp Faithfully Recreates the Sound of Legendary Dual Rectifier Tube Amp in a Pedal with Independent Channel Controls, Pre/Post Boost, Optional Cab Sim and Dedicated Outputs for DI and Headphones

Produkt ist zugänlich: 5 pcs



699,00 PLN

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Artikelposition : SUP_em5612
Garantie : 2 Jahre
Hersteller : TC Electronic
Product Features
  • Guitar preamp pedal faithfully recreates the tone, touch and feel of the legendary Revision G Dual Rectifier tube amp from 1995
  • Two channels with independent gain, volume and EQ controls for pristine cleans, high octane rock and metal tones
  • Green channel (Clean Rhythm) ranges from pristine cleans through to edgy blues tones
  • Red channel (Lead) delivers huge levels of gain for heavy rock, classic shred and 90’s metal tones
  • Integrated booster activates 5 dB boost at the kick of a footswitch with Pre/Post option on the back panel
  • Pre boost dialed in to drive the amp model harder and add a distinct mid hump like a classic overdrive pedal
  • Dedicated DI output, equipped with official Celestion 4x12 V30 cab sim IR, turns your pedalboard into a gig-ready rig direct to PA system or audio interface for recording
  • Dedicated headphone output, equipped with official Celestion 4x12 V30 cab sim IR, for huge tube amp tones and practice sessions that won’t disturb your neighbors
  • Master presence, set it and forget it, control on the rear panel to tailor your preamp and compensate for darker or brighter rigs and rooms
  • Optional bypass or always on channel change footswitch modes
  • Groundbreaking TC AMPWORX modeling technology provides low latency, huge dynamic range and feels like the real deal
  • Perfect pedalboard-friendly pedal platform takes drive pedals like a champ

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