‌MIPRO ACT-515 (5NB) - Analog UHF true diversity receiver (1-channel receiver system), 9.5" metal housing, LCD display, ACT function, external switching power supply Zoom

‌MIPRO ACT-515 (5NB) - Analog UHF true diversity receiver (1-channel receiver system), 9.5" metal housing, LCD display, ACT function, external switching power supply

‌MIPRO ACT-515 (5NB) - Analog UHF true diversity receiver (1-channel receiver system), 9.5" metal housing, LCD display, ACT function, external switching power supply

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Model : ACT-515 (5NB)
Artikelposition : SUP_em5033
Garantie : 2 Jahre
Hersteller : MIPRO

‌MIPRO ACT-515 is an analog diversity radio receiver (1-channel receiver system) and part of the new ACT 500 series.

Frequency range: 518-542 MHz,  620-644MHz,  644-668MHz,  823-832MHz 

Features of the new 500 series: EIA standard metal chassis and a newly designed LCD. Rotary control knob and buttons are equipped on the control panel which is consistent with the same operations and display modes of ACT-800 Series. 

The new 500 series also offers a double and a 4-channel-receiver, which have direct selection buttons, making them particularly user-friendly. Thanks to the new LDC displays, the receivers are easier to read: the reception display (screen changes color automatically) shows directly which transmitters are switched on (green) or switched off (orange). 

An optional DANTE network interface (double and 4-channel-receiver) is available on the rear panel. 

Inherited the most reliable 24 MHz narrowband true diversity receiving circuit from MIPRO typical professional ACT-7 Series, which ensures long-distance and stable reception without signal dropout, and greatly decreases intermodulation distortion and increases interference-free compatible channels.

On board: The industry's first PiloTone & NoiseLock circuitry and the RF Interference Warning Indicator for proper adjustment of the SQ level to avoid interference.

The MIPRO Auto Scan and ACT™ function ensures precise and fast synchronization of the transmitter frequency with the receiver. 


Einzelheiten der Lieferung des Produkts ‌MIPRO ACT-515 (5NB) - Analog UHF true diversity receiver (1-channel receiver system), 9.5" metal housing, LCD display, ACT function, external switching power supply

Versendung von Warsaw, Polen.

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  • Hauptsitz des Herstellers: Taiwan
  • Durchschnittliche Produktbewertung: 5.0


  • Produktanzahl: 183


  • Serviceindikator: 4,26%
  • Durchschnittliche Reparaturzeit: 8 Tage
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